It's been a while since my last blog post, as you may or may not have noticed. These last few months have been busy with summer activities, a brief trip to New York, and then getting our kids settled in their new school settings (ranging from 4th-12th grades). The challenge of balancing all of this with the work I want to be doing, focusing on growing Capture Your Story, has been difficult at times. Yet what I've been reminding myself is that all of these 'distractions' are actually the stuff of life - the important things that life is all about. Just as Capture Your Story aims to record the precious moments that add up to a full life, we can't achieve those if we don't allow ourselves the gift of being fully present in whatever moment we find ourselves in.
So a few weeks ago, when our family was away for the weekend to celebrate the bar mitzvah of some dear friends' sons, I did my best to set aside any feelings of guilt that I should have been doing more, and just managed to be, and it was glorious. This is a photo from that weekend.
Wishing you, wherever you are, a wonderful weekend of just being.
